Each of the 17 participants performed a total of 360 trials. There were no non-response trials. Before analyzing the data, we discarded incorrect responses (e.g., a food name categorized as a beverage name), a total of 3.3% (202 trials) of all 6,120 trials. Of the remaining data, we only used the RT for the target name coffee for H1 and L1 logos, and the RT for the target name beef-rice-bowl for H2 and L2 logos in the following analyses. A separate 2 (logo familiarity, high vs. low)63 (color of logo, correctly colored, inappropriately colored, or achromatic) repeat- ed-measures ANOVA was performed on the RT for each of the two target names (coffee and beef-rice-bowl). Effect sizes (partial eta squared; gp2) were also calculated. When significant effects were detected, post hoc multiple comparisons of means were performed using Tukey’s honestly significant difference (HSD) test.