Five Common Approaches to Co-Teaching
Parallel teaching:
1. Divide students into two smaller groups. Groups may be formed
strategically by student needs.
2. Teacher 1 and 2 teach all objectives to their own group.
3. There is an opportunity for students to participate in small group or
class discussions.
Station teaching:
1. Divide students into two groups.
2. Each teacher plans and teaches information at each station.
3. Students rotate between teachers.
Alternative teaching:
1. Teachers plan instruction together.
2. General education teacher instructs the large group.
3. Special education teacher takes students who need additional help or
Team teaching:
1. Teachers plan instruction and present together.
2. Teachers work together to ensure appropriate and effective learning.
One teaching/one drifting:
1. One teacher designs and presents the lesson.
2. The second teacher tours the classroom, providing support by
answering questions, re-explaining key concepts, and assisting with
behavior management.