the green sea turtle
the green sea turtle is a large turtle can grow to 1.5 metres in length and weigh up to 200 kilograms. it is found in warm coastal waters around the world,but the largest populations today are in Florida and the caribbean.Hawaii Borneo. in all these areas the turtles are at risk,with populations in Florida and Mexico officially described as endangered.although in the past there were probably several green sea turtles in the world,today scientists believe that fewer than 200000 adult females remain.below we list some of the reasons why number of this and other sea turtles have declined
people around the world have used the meat of the green sea turtle for food since ancient times and it is the main ingredient in turtle soup.the eggs,which the females turtles bury on sandy beaches,are also collected by hunters.unfortunately,although laws banning the hunting have been passed in many countries,people continue to do so illegally
every year,more than 10000 sea turtles are accidentally trapped in fishing nets.unable to breathe,these turtles soon drown.many of these deaths could be avoided if the fishermen made minor changes to their equipment that would allow the turtles to escape.for some reason,many fishermen seem unwilling to do this,although the law requires them to do so