From the TEM images, we believe that the Mn2O3 nanobundles
have been formed by the assembly of obtained nanospheres.
On the other hand the reaction involves the decomposition of
[Mn(O4C2)2H2O]-oleylamine, and the nucleation and growth of
Mn2O3 nuclei into nanospheres. In this step, a high concentration
of Mn2O3 nanoparticles with a size of ca. 30 nm has been formed.
These nanoparticles are then oriented along together and are
assembled into short rod likes. Meanwhile, decomposition occurs
at the junctions between the nanospheres and the newly-formed
nanoparticles connect to the short nanobundles to yield longer
nanobundles. At extended reaction times, the nanobundles increase
in length until the manganese oxalate is completely consumed
[35]. The growth of the Mn2O3 nanoparticles can be
explained on the basis of the schematic view presented in Scheme
1. The Mn2O3 nanoparticles agglomerated together to form a