A keyboard computer is a computer which contains all of the regular components of a personal computer, except for a screen, in the same housing as the keyboard. The power supply is typically external and connects to the computer via an adapter cable. The motherboard is specially designed to fit inside, and the device is larger than most standard keyboards. Additional peripheral components such as a monitor are connected to the computer via external ports. Usually no or only a minimum of storage devices is built in.
Most home computers of the late 1970s and during the 1980s were keyboard computers, the Commodore VIC-20 and the Atari ST being prime examples. While this form factor went out of style around 1990 in favour for more standard PC setups, some notable x86 keyboard computer have been build, like the Olivetti Prodest PC1 in 1988[1] and the Schneider EuroPC Series between 1988 and 1995.[2] Cybernet Manufacturing is still producing similar devices, using Intel Quad Core processors.[citation needed]
Newer developments include the Commodore 64 WebIt by Tulip, the Eee Keyboard,[3][4] which uses an Intel Atom processor, and optionally solid state hard drives.[5] Or designs like the Commodore Invictus PC.[6]