3. Rate the presentations in general by checking one of the following:
Poor 0% Fair 0% Good 42% Very Good 48% Excellent 10%
All participants thought that the presentations were good to excellent, with 58% rating the
presentations either very good or excellent. While the survey did not distinguish among
the presenters, no presentation received a rating of “not good.”
4. Check how useful the workshop presentations will be to your job.
Not Useful 3% Useful 55% Very Useful 42%
The overwhelming majority of the participants (97%) felt that the workshop presentations
would be useful in their jobs.
5. How will you use this information when you return to your job?
35% Increase decision makers’ awareness of the importance of HCTS.
19% Formulate and implement an HCTS program policy.
16% Share the information with counterparts to see whether it applies in my country