Based on the success of the experiments COLIN decided to dive deeper in the topic and to organise a creative think tank. In Breda the discussion was organised in such a way that several ideas were generated how creative tourism in Breda could be stimulated, while in Tilburg the central question was how to use the body of thought of creative tourism for branding the creative area Veemarktkwartier (VMK). In both sessions participants were selected and invited personally on the basis of their expertise and their open attitude. An interesting note is that ‘traditional’ tourist information parties, such as the tourism promotion office, had difficulty understanding the notion of creative tourism and decided not to accept the invitation. A mixed group consisting of ho(s)tel managers, lecturers in leisure and tourism, festival organisers, a cultural broker, graphic designers, a landscape architect, a tourism related web designer, an organisation specialised in creative encounters, a museum director and students leisure management were present. Both think tanks attracted 15 – 20 persons who, after a presentation about creative tourism in which several exemplary initiatives were presented, were invited to express their views on the topic via several brainstorming techniques.