The statistical model used for calculating the effect of
genes polymorphisms was as follows:
Yijklm =
di +
gj +
fk +
h1 +
yijklm – ijklm observation,
– overall mean,
di – fixed effect of ith breeding,
gj – fixed effect of jth season (only for traits of individual
litters; classification into seasons was based on the day of
the sow’s successful mating or insemination),
fk – fixed effect of kth group of analyzed gene (resulting
from the polymorphisms found),
hl – random effect of lth dam of analyzed sow,
eijklm – random error.
The statistical model used for calculating the effect ofgenes polymorphisms was as follows:Yijklm =+di +gj +fk +h1 +eijklmwhereyijklm – ijklm observation, – overall mean,di – fixed effect of ith breeding,gj – fixed effect of jth season (only for traits of individuallitters; classification into seasons was based on the day ofthe sow’s successful mating or insemination),fk – fixed effect of kth group of analyzed gene (resultingfrom the polymorphisms found),hl – random effect of lth dam of analyzed sow,eijklm – random error.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..