Recent advent of manycore system increases needs for larger but faster memory hierarchy. Emerging next
generation memories such as on-chip DRAM and nonvolatile memory (NVRAM) are promising candidates
for replacement of DRAM-only main memory. Combined with the manycore trends, it gives an opportunity
to rethink conventional resource management system with a memory hierarchy for a single cloud node.
In an attempt to mitigate the energy and memory problems, we propose MN-MATE, an elastic resource
management architecture for a single cloud node with manycores, on-chip DRAM, and large size of offchip
DRAM and NVRAM. In MN-MATE, the hypervisor places consolidated VMs and balances memory
among them. Based on the monitored information about the allocated memory, a guest OS co-schedules
tasks accessing different types of memory with complementary access intensity. Polymorphic management
of DRAM hierarchy accelerates average memory access speed inside each guest OS. A guest OS reduces
energy consumption with small performance loss based on the NVRAM-aware data placement policy and
the hybrid page cache. A new lightweight kernel is developed to reduce the overhead from the guest OS for
scientific applications. Experiment results show that our techniques in MN-MATE platform improve system
performance and reduce energy consumption.