4. Conclusions
The proposed DLLME method combined with F AAS determination
was successfully applied for the determination of Cu and Fe in commercial
red and white wine samples. The advantages of DLLME were simplicity,
low cost in comparison to conventional digestion methods and
the waste generation can be minimized. In addition, the proposed
method shows a high preconcentration factor (about 250 times), low
LODs and LOQs, with good accuracy. The use of a mixture composed
by 40 μL of 1,2-dichlorobenzene (extraction solvent) and 900 μL
methanol (dispersive solvent) was able to extract both analytes. This
is an important feature, because the similar extraction conditions for
Cu and Fe could indicate the possibility to perform a multielemental
analysis using DLLME as sample preparation method. This method can
be also applied for the determination of Cu and Fe in routine analysis
and can be adapted for extraction and preconcentration of other
elements in wine samples