This report has presented the results of an analysis of
CFOI and SOII data revealing that electricity is a serious
occupational injury problem. Noteworthy among the findings
is that although electrical shocks and burns do not
occur as frequently as many other types of occupational
injuries, they are disproportionately fatal. Analysis also
concluded that the causes of most fatal electrical incidents
fall into one of five categories: (a) installation and maintenance
not involving power lines; (b) incidental contact of an overhead power line with a handheld object; (c) incidental
contact of an overhead power line through mobile equipment;
(d) incidental contact with energized circuits other
than overhead or buried power lines; and (e) power line
installation and maintenance work. Past electrical safety
research by NIOSH and by the former U.S. Bureau of
Mines was briefly reviewed, and recommendations for
future electrical safety research were outlined.