Video Recording and Web Design Process Our intention was to simulate the procedure of urinary catheterization as close to reality as possible because, with web-based education, where there is no actual face-to-face contact between the teacher and the students. The issue of copyright and cost of existing instructional
video materials and lack of appropriate video specific to urinary catheterization procedure in Turkish language compelled us to produce our own video. The principal investigator performed urinary catheterization on a mannequin, which was recorded by a professional using a digital video recorder with a built in microphone. Important parts of catheterization, particularly the insertion of the catheter, were filmed in close up and at a distance simultaneously using two separate cameras. The video data was transferred from the digital video recorder to the computer for editing and the edited version was reviewed by two nurse educators who had experience in teaching the Fundamentals of Nursing. Their comments and recommendations were acknowledged and amalgamated into the final product.