The quality of teaching and learning process of reading was unideal. It needed to be improved in order to create a good reading atmosphere for the students. b.
The students’ response in following reading activity was not good. They performed bad interest, enthusiasm, and seriousness. They also followed the teaching and learning process of reading without cosiness. Thus, their response in following teaching and learning process of
reading needed to be improved in order to get their better enthusiasm, interest, seriousness, and joyness in following the reading activity. c.
The students’ reading comprehension need to be improved because their mean score was commonly categorized in fair category (56.2). In other words, their score was clasified under the ideal mean score (60.0)
Implementation of the Research
This research was conducted two cycle started from August 26
2013 to September 10
2013. Each cycle of this study consisted three meetings. Two first meeting for conducting actions and the last meeting for assessing the students’ reading comprehension improvement. The material that is delivered by the researcher in the first cycle was descriptive text and recount text in the second cycle. Every cycle of this research followed four basic steps. They were: planning, acting, observing and reflecting