We may think about this process of firm and/or industry greening as structuration (Giddens,
1986). Firms are making decisions within capitalism, and they follow its rules. To the extent they can
alter or reinterpret the rules (Clemens & Cook, 1999) of capitalism, mainly to maximize profit, some
firms will choose to do so. This is why arguments that link environmental management regimes or
reputation to profits are useful. However, it is impossible for a firm to ignore the rule of profit making and continue to be a firm. In this way, capitalism allows for a firm to reinterpret the rules of the game
but limits it at the same time.
We may think about this process of firm and/or industry greening as structuration (Giddens,1986). Firms are making decisions within capitalism, and they follow its rules. To the extent they canalter or reinterpret the rules (Clemens & Cook, 1999) of capitalism, mainly to maximize profit, somefirms will choose to do so. This is why arguments that link environmental management regimes orreputation to profits are useful. However, it is impossible for a firm to ignore the rule of profit making and continue to be a firm. In this way, capitalism allows for a firm to reinterpret the rules of the gamebut limits it at the same time.
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