Sawadee Khun Friend,
I got your email from my Gmail account but I forward to my work account and easy for me to answer your email at my work station. You said the official want two original but we only have one because when we went to the Thai Embassy on October 9th the staff over there only certify my signature and my daughter went back to pick it up on 10/14th (paid $15 per document). In that document my husband sign his signature in front of the public notary on the same page that is the original my daughter scan it to you but if the official want two original we have to start it all over again have to go to Thai Embassy and sign my signature over there and wait 4-5 days for them to certify put the seal on that paper that is not including an extra $15 and all the transportation fee to travel to Washington D.C. (Will waste more time to do that too). I think I can send the original and I will make a copy of that document with the passport my husband have sign on Monday what do you think is that okay? Please find out the way I suggest and see the official will except it. I will call you tonight and talk about this matter also I got a cashier check from my bank to deposit in Bank of America (They can transfer the money to Thailand) but the manager told me the bank will hold the check for five days to make sure so that means it will clear on the 27th. I will go pay the transfer fee to the bank and have the manager wire the money to my brother's account but because our time is thirteen hours different between USA and Thailand so I hope will get there on the 29th. After go through all these trouble I do hope we can get everything done on time na ka. I hope to talk to you after 9: 00 p. m. (My time) tonight.
Patcharee Lam