Pah! Pah! Pah…
The two figures crossed. Zhao Yufei was graceful and delicate. Exchanging up to ten moves, Zhao Yufei had gained the upper hand. In terms of damage, she was only on par with Zhao Chi but her Inner Strength skill was Air Crossing Breathing Technique, which was far superior to Xin Chen’s.
Air Crossing Breathing Technique buffed up her speed and offense skills and when the skills were used together, she could easily defeat others of the same rank.
Thirty moves later, Zhao Yufei’s power had increased once again. Her palm was both soft yet hard and from the battle, she seemed to gain more insights.
“She’s also trained a high ranked body strengthening technique like Qiu Mengyu.” Xin Tong was shocked.
Zhao Yufei’s body strengthening technique wasn’t any weaker than Metal Wall Technique, but it was more suitable for women.
“She had great potential and she has probably hidden her true strength.”
Zhao Feng suddenly remembered the mysterious one-armed old man. The old man could take out a high ranked skill such as Metal Wall Technique was incredible.
Thirty moves later, Zhao Yufei’s attacked wave after wave, and she finally defeated Xin Chen.
Zhao Yufei won! There was another black horse this time.
Zhao Yufei rested a while and then, she proceeded to challenge Qiu Changyi. Qiu Changyi was one of the four great geniuses, and although he wasn’t going to be number one this year, he was still strong.
Flowing Feather Step!
Flowing Feather Flying Cloud!
Qiu Changyi used his two speed skills, which had both reached the peak level. Only Zhao Feng could catch up to him in terms of speed.
“Cloud Leaf Ferry!” Zhao Yufei’s skill suddenly changed as she used a skill that had never been seen before.
Instantly, her body turned as light as a leaf as she flipped in midair.
“Cloud Leaf Ferry? What kind of skill is it? It’s not any worse than my Lightly Floating Ferry!” Zhao Feng was shocked.
He had finally realised that he was too rushed in exchanging Air Crossing Breathing Technique for Metal Wall Technique. Maybe it was a good deal, but Air Crossing Breathing Technique suited Zhao Yufei perfectly. This skill was even more profound than Air Crossing Breathing Technique.