For users who want to further specify filter conditions by using Microsoft Dynamics AX, specific query symbols or who must enter more complex conditions the matches operator is provided for each data type. For all other operators, the query symbols are interpreted as literals. So for example, the filter condition first name matches A finds all records with the first name starts with the letter A. However, the filter condition first name is A finds records where the first name is literally equal to A. In this demonstration, we are going to perform some advanced filtering and sorting. So we'll start here on the all production orders page. And we'll navigate to options. And then advanced filter and sort. So this opens up the advanced filter and sort screen where you can set specific criteria and ranges on which data you want to filter. The grid displays which table the information is coming from and which specific field in the list you would like to filter on. So for an example, let's say you want to find all production orders that end in the number one. So you can see here, our table is production orders. And the field is production. So we'll enter the wild card asterisk one to get all of the production orders that end in the number one. And we'll select OK. And as you can see, this brings up all the production orders that end in one. So let's go back to the advanced filter page and we'll do another filter. Now let's say you want to filter on the item number field. So we don't see that field here in the grid so what we can do is select add. And we'll want production orders, production orders and then in the field, we will select item number. OK. And then for this example, we'll say we want all item numbers that contain the letter D. So we'll filter out all of the P item numbers. So for this example, we'll use the wild cards asterisk and then the letter D and then asterisk to notify us that we want all the item numbers that contain D. Now let's say you also want to see all the production orders where the status is everything but ended. So again, we'll click add. And we'll select the field name as status. OK. And then we'll do -- we'll use the wild card exclamation and then ended and we can see the drop down of all the statuses because we want everything expect the ended status. So we'll select that. And then we'll hit OK to see our filtered results. So this just narrows down the list. We have everything ending in one that starts with a D and everything that is the status except for ended. So we'll go back here to the advanced filter page again. And one more thing I want to show you is the sorting. So if you go to the sorting tab, you can see here that you have the option to sort the fields by descending or ascending order so just another tool to get the data presentable on how you want to use it and see it. So that's just a high-level demonstration of the advanced filter and sort options in Microsoft Dynamics AX.