2.1. Chocolate muffin ingredientsThe chocolate muffin ingredients were wheat flour witha 10.47 g/100 g moisture content measured by Method 44-40(AACC International. 2000) (10.0 g/100 g protein content accordingto the supplier, Belenguer S.A., Valencia, Spain), sucrose (AzucareraEbro, Madrid, Spain), pasteurized liquid egg white (Ovocity,Valencia, Spain), whole milk (Puleva, Granada, Spain), refinedsunflower oil (Coosur S.A., Jaén, Spain), pasteurized liquid egg yolk(Ovocity, Valencia, Spain), sodium bicarbonate, citric acid (Martínez,Valencia, Spain), salt and soluble cocoa fibre (NatraceuticalS.L, Valencia, Spain). The chemical composition of the cocoa fibre(in g/100 g on an “as is” basis) is 41.2 of the soluble dietary fibre,a negligible fraction of insoluble dietary fibre (<0.01) determinedby the AOAC method 991.43 (AOAC, 1995), 17.92 g/100 g of proteinsand 5.26 g/100 g of fat (data provided by the supplier). The waterretention capacity (WRC) and swelling power values were 5.15 g/gand 5 ml/g, respectively.The cocoa fibre gives the batter a cocoa colour, so powderedcocoa (cacao Toledo, Natra, Valencia, Spain, moisture 4.5 g/100 g)was added to the control sample alone for comparison purposes.
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