Routine operations of emergency first responders
are usually well managed. The situation is different for mass
casualty emergencies where more people and properties are
threatened. In such situations there are no pre-defined plans
in place and mitigation is solved mostly through crisis
management. Teams managing such acute accidents are
often working in information insufficiency. Timely
information exchange between involved agencies, common
understanding of data and fast provision of knowledge can
save lives and protect properties. Useful information is
heterogeneous and is distributed across many organizations
in disparate information sources in many formats with
different access policies and in varying quality. The
information sources range from sensors deployed on
incidence sites, publicly available data sources, corporate
legacy systems, documents stored on remote locations to
human end-users providing information using mobile
devices. This article addresses operational challenges of
First Responders and complementary challenges in
accessing and analyzing information from multiple sources
to provide advanced capabilities for command and control
in emergency response. Herein we propose to use an agentbased
infrastructure for supporting such interoperability.
We propose to build the framework amplifying an agent
infrastructure developed in scope of the SECRICOM EU
integrated project. In this article we focus mainly on the
conceptual architecture of such integration framework.