Codes developed by individuals
The importance of an examination of codes on the basis of author becomes important with reference to recent work by Parsons and Woods- Ballard(2003). These researchers found in the whale-watching industry of West Scotland that operators themselves were universal in their support of their own code of ethics over codes developed by government. In fact, none of the codes of ethics developed by government were used by any of the operators, and only 37% of operators knew of their existence. The reasons for ignoring the government codes ranged from resentment over being to how to act by government to the that the codes were not user-friendly. belief This tendency toward the bottom-up" pe of control over the'top-down is a theme that needs to be further explored with respect not only to Co whale-watching but also to other forms of tourism. Parsons and Woods O Ballard also observed that codes of should not be the only with which to protect cetaceans, but ould be accompanied by v sound research and legislation for better management of the industry.