english pratum 4/5
my favourite holiday destination
due 10 september
it must include
the type of transportation used to get there.
the countries flag.
they money they use. Give the name and a picture of their currency.
who will you go with? Family friends give pictures of the people you will travel with.
the food you will to try.
interesting facts about the country.
the project will be in the form of a booklet. Each page
must have a new heading. With pictures and full
you must have a front cover. On the front cover you should include
your name
your class
your number
the heading my favourite holiday destination.
no more than 15 pages in booklet.
you must write full sentences.
the project is out of 20 points. I will be checking for
punctuation spelling as well as creativity.
the project is due for the 10 september if students
hand their work in late there will be a deduction of
1 point for everyday that it is late.