E-auction is an auction online system where buyers bid on auction goods based on the
specifications. The number of people interacting with the world of internet is increasing; it will make it
easier to run electronic auction system. E-auction popularity was introduced in1990s, and E-Bay is one of
the notable success stories of e-auction founded in September 1995 by Pierre Omidyar. He created a website
called Auction Web in his spare time to bring online auction as a mechanism for buyers and sellers to do
transaction in online marketplace [1]. Currently, there are multi-billion dollar businesses doing operations
over thirty countries. Malaysia, for instance, has auction website called Lelong.com.my. It was launched in
1999 and has become one of the top C2C auction sites. The website layout and the principle are similar to
the eBay [1]. There are many potential issues will occur in transactions using e-auction; the problem of the
transaction can cause big problem for beginner in general.