with a topic today I'd like to start with talking about a lifelong learners
characteristics adding lifelong learner characteristics very important in being
a good teacher being a good learner and thats can be instilled in all kinds of
people whether they are teachers unions are people in general characteristics of
lifelong learners could be a knowledge tense maker I think this is the most
important characteristic if you change maker you will be willing to learn and
you will be willing to seek knowledge as a chance meagher you can make changes
within yourself with in your area for all within most feared in your classroom
as well as making changes are inspiring gingers in others especially as the
ordinance people around you people in your family for example as a knowledge
seeker we continually seek learning experiences are opportunities to improve
their knowledge and skills that we have and that is part after turns Flickr
because if you continue seeking knowledge or new ideas you can improve
your work all the time you be improved a teaching if you are a teacher you
improve your learning if you are learner are you improve your work if you are an
or AM in Asia or and administrator or a businessman as a social learner you
learn both from and that means that you are open to others ideas and knowledge
you are not confined only once you have searched for what you know already know
you are open to ideas as well and and in these days after college he it is very
easy in order to go go to search for knowledge of Addison now there to add up
to what we already know what we already have learnt and that is what's reassured
instill in our students as a teacher to seek knowledge to be a social oh no so
that they can share what they learned with others they can they are open to
knowledge from their teachers as well as from their classmates from their friends
from their family as a critical thinker a lifelong learner don't simply just
take in information you have to analyze synthesize and a plan what you have
learned to your situation
and this is very important because at the moment I think one of the problems
of our education is that Lerner simply take in the information from what the
teachers have reached so we should give them the opportunities that is
everywhere and is not confined only in the classroom and the students while
getting the knowledge learning a lesson there should be able to criticize to
analyze to evaluate whether the information they're given is why is
debatable is adaptable to their life or not are so as they are apart from being
a critical thinker a lifelong learners should be willing to share and that's
very important and by sharing some often I think from the South I have cool code
the world is doing is a teacher so whether you are an employee and manager
and in administrator a teacher or even a student you can be a teacher that is you
can share you can share your knowledge you can share your idea are the time and
that he is usually all believe share what you know because you understand
that having open networks
actually gives you access to demolish so if you can build your network the
sudan's among their classmates or the teachers among tissues yourself you can
be my share of after knowledge as long as you a communicator a lifelong
learners usually communicate with others why do you know what you want to know
and what you have learned and what do you think about what you have learnt
and you should be a good communicator with interpersonal skills that you
should come any kid what you think and you are open to others opinions as well
and the last one is that lifelong learner neighbor think of themselves as
an expert because learning is never ending and as a lifelong learner you
usually is in your habits of learning seeking foreign the information are the
time and as you all a year it drops that you are a lifelong learner because you
seek opportunities to get new information to get new ideas regarding
the teaching regarding the education and that's why you are here and so on
credits you all for being a lifelong learners and as lifelong learners as I
mentioned earlier that as a lifelong learning even does teachers are the
syrians can be lifelong learners and that can help as a teacher with Dad
professional development and as a loner as a student being a loner a lifelong
learner and that will help them get through their life
I would like three groups of people involved in distance learning theater
bution in this is looming in the world that I have been doing the tree people
the resource teachers that is teaching us from the parents school the second
group of teachers are the teachers in schools in remote areas where the this
is linear television provider in order to help them with their teaching him and
a third group of people that I would like to talk to talk about is doing more
to learn those remotes deal with incidents in those remote schools
learning through this since learning to be sure and I would like to point out
the changing roles of these groups of people according to the distance
learning when the this is learning television takes part in their lives in
their teaching and learning life what's happened to them
for those who don't have the background art walk distance learning tuition is
doing I would like to give you a brief on their work at the moment in fact
during the last twenty years that this is Learning Foundation has provided this
since learning television to schools are the country
and basically be provide great 12 12 classes broadcast live from one great
ones which is a private school and the his Majesty the King to our schools over
the country and the schools they're only have to have the equipment the receivers
and the table options and the satellite to receive the Sikh know and if they
arranged a time table according to the timetable in school they will be able to
receive our broadcast class this from grade 1 to 12 and this is to stop the
shutdown the charges but the teacher shortage problem in most schools
especially small schools are the country about 15,000 schools there is problem
after he shot tears and that has been a problem for years for the kids that
cannot be solved and one of the alternatives to help solve this problem
is to raise for teaching and learning process through this insulin
intervention and that is where this in stunning foundation has a role in
helping in working with the application or baked to provide education through
this since learning television
and as for the teaches of one green one school they realize that their role is
high enough modell teacher for all teachers in remote areas the teachers
parents school are one going once school find it very demanding they have to make
sure they deliver a good lesson that is useful to both the teachers and the
students in remote schools to have to make their teaching very interesting
where is simulating they have to keep exploring and experimenting new ways of
teaching new teaching materials and activities to make the learners as well
as the teachers and the lessons interesting they have to plan the lesson
keeping in mind that they have more than 100,000 students in each class not only
forty or fifty billion not only does it does in their classroom in the parish
school only one more than 100,000 students each time they have to
distribute the lesson plan to Ramada schools beforehand
and they have to plan the broadcast class with the technical term technical
team in order to make sure that the broadcast is smooth and the resource
teachers and apparent school anywhere they never consider themselves the best
teacher oddity show more their teacher training they are willing to share their
knowledge and at the same time they learned from remote school remote
schoolteacher they share the lesson plans and teaching materials so that
teachers in remote schools can follow the broadcast their son and facilitate
their students they also share teaching techniques and ideas via social media
and that's an added technology as a supplement to the television because
there's resized issuers and issues in remote areas there communicate through
social media however the results t-shirts have to keep improving their
teaching and amp their team teaching resources in order to keep the attention
and interest after more details as well as they wouldn't inducing the LTV it can
be said that the results shows never stop learning and consider their work as
part of our professional development so I think that it is scarce resource
teachers qualify as a qualified as a lifelong learner s seeking knowledge or
skills are new dick needs to share
remote issues then there was that they are willing to share their knowledge and
then they were stopped being very helpful in promoting the teaching and
learning and helping the teachers in remote schools as for the teacher Cindy
most schools are so what happens in the remote schools is that why you're seeing
the LG we think that they do not have to do anything why does this morning with
the distance learning television some miss mission attribution and then leave
the class in fact the teachers in the schools have to make preparations in
order to get themselves in their students ready for the broadcast class
therefore the remote teachers have to be an efficient manager of learning
arranging last time arranging classroom preparing the materials before
and and