K in stalks (56.4 kg ha-1) was caused by the dose of 156
kg K2O ha-1 and in the aboveground plant part (216.1
kg ha-1) by 195 kg K2O ha-1. When the highest dose of
K2O (195 kg ha-1) was applied, K levels in stalk, leaves,
and plant aerial part were 84.3, 154.3, and 238.6 kg K
ha-1, respectively. However, linear increments of K were
observed in leaves (Figure 4b). The highest value of K in
leaves (167.7 kg ha-1) was caused by 195 kg K2O ha-1.
The soil K application had no significant effect on
the concentration of this nutrient in straw covering soil
surface after harvest in both cycles. In the first and second
ratoon the amount of K present in the straw was 42.5 and
8.2 kg K2O ha-1, respectively.