An eager mind
Valid during several weeks: At this time you must express yourself and your thinking in every possible way. Your mind is clearer than usual, and you feel more alert and mentally sharp. At the same time you are very conscious of your purpose in any project you are engaged in, which enables you to express that purpose clearly to others. Just be careful that you aren't putting so much energy into communicating with others that you aren't allowing their communication to come back in to you. Also don't let your own subjective point of view blind you to others' points of view. Your eager mind may also attract the attention of someone above you, who will get in touch with you about some matter that is important to you. In general this influence favors communication with men rather than with women, but all communication is improved.
Thinking about your affairs
Valid during several weeks: You're very communicative during this time and enjoy showing others who you really are. But you avoid being [..]