Compared to the time when they first met Rarashik, the science-like room they had returned to had one thing different about it.
“W-what’s the deal with this thing?” (Hiiro)
Hiiro, looking at the strange object that was right in front of him, asked with a furrowed brow.
(It’s white and small and looks like a rabbit…isn’t this?) (Hiiro)
“Oo, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Shishou’s .” (Arnold)
“? You mean this thing? ’ (Hiiro)
Hiiro involuntarily cast a suspicious gaze. No matter how you looked at it, what was in front of him looked exactly like the snow rabbit that children would make on snowy days. As it was bouncing energetically, it seemed impossible not to be surprised.
“More importantly, was that warning real?” (Rarashik)
When Rarashik asked the , it responded in affirmation as it faintly shook its head up and down.
“No way…what in the world…it couldn’t be that the irregular case would actually…?” (Rarashik)
Rarashik put a hand on her chin. Arnold acted as the representative of those in the dark as he spoke.
“A-ano, Shishou? What exactly…?” (Arnold)
“……………..” (Rarashik)
“A-ano?” (Arnold)
“……………..” (Rarashik)
“S-Shishou…?” (Arnold)
Not matter what Arnold said, there was no response. Rarashik just remained there, frozen in a thinking posture as if her time had been stopped.
Arnold scratched his head as he looked toward Hiiro for a response. However, Hiiro just shrugged his shoulders as he leaned against a wall. Arnold had no choice but to wait for Rarashik to break out of her trance. Therefore, Arnold placed the unconscious Miur in bed.
After waiting for a short time, the [] starting bouncing on top of Rarashik’s head. As if that attack stimulated something in her brain, Rarashik finally redirected her gaze towards the others.
“Ah, Shishou?” (Arnold)
“………haa~” (Rarashik)
Rarashik let a about a big sigh. Not knowing why she displayed such a depressed attitude, Hiiro and his group looked at each other with their heads tilted to the side in confusion.
“Shishou? What in the world just happened?” (Arnold)
When Arnold asked a second time, it looked like they would finally get an explanation. Furthermore, the contents of the answer was startling.
“…The army is returning” (Rarashik)
“…hee~the army is, huh? I didn’t know that….wait a minute, S-S-S-S-SERIOUSLY!?” (Arnold)
Arnold had replied with great force. However, the contents of the answer was so astonishing that his brain skipped, causing his comprehension time to lag.
The King’s army should be in the middle of a war right now. Furthermore, they only started the war three days ago. It was a battle that would determine the fate of two powerful races. There was no way that the war would end in only three days. He had passed off Rarashik’s words as a joke. However, she had a serious expression on her face.
“Seriously. My thoroughly investigated it.” (Rarashik)
Saying thus, Rarashik placed her hand on the head of her
“W-wait, you say investigated…huh? You mean the war, right?” (Arnold)
“Aa.” (Rarashik)
“The war that just started 3 days ago?” (Arnold)
“Probably.” (Rarashik)
“Yet, the King’s army is returning just now?” (Arnold)
“Aa.” (Rarashik)
“…even if we lost, isn’t that too fast? No, even if they were victorious, it would be just as unbelievable.” (Arnold)
It was just as Arnold assumed. Even if they lost, they would just gather the [Gabranth]’s elite and replenish their forces at the border. Numbers are a significant factor in war. They were not a force that could be completely subdued within 3 days.
The same thing could be said for the foe [Evila]. Behind their front lines was their home territory. Even if the [Gabranth] had obtained victory, they would wind up having to face the full force of the [Evila]. Completely invade within three days was impossible.
“??…are you sure the report isn’t false?” (Arnold)
It was understandable for Arnold to think that. However, Rarashik just shaked her head.
“No, I asked this child to monitor the fate of the war. I also ordered him to sound an alarm if the king withdrew from the battlefield.” (Rarashik)
While explaining thus, Rarashik pointed to a red button installed in the wall. Certainly, a red button did exist there.
“Then…it’s really true?” (Arnold)
“That seems to be the case. If you want the details, this child can saw it all so if we listen then maybe we can understand what happened.” (Rarashik)
“Is the King’s army already in the country?” (Arnold)
“No, they haven’t arrived yet. However, we’re talking about that person so coming back shouldn’t really be…” (Rarashik)
As the two of them made a difficult expression as they thought about the current situation, Hiiro, who was listening silently, opened his mouth.
“Oi, more importantly, what’s a ?” (Hiiro)
No matter the circumstances, he was really the same, self-paced Hiiro.
“Y-you’re unbelievable! The war just ended, you know, the war has! Instead of saying ‘more importantly’, be surprised a little, huh?” (Arnold)
Anyone would have shared Arnold’s sentiments. However, Hiiro sullenly wrinkled his forehead and looked at him with displeasure.
“I don’t give a damn about the war. Frankly, I’m more interested about the Jelly-like fellow.” (Hiiro)
(E: Punipuni is an expression that describes something soft and jelly like. Often used when referring to pudding or people with chubby cheeks. Or at least, that’s the best explanation I can come up with.)
Hiiro has met the [Pheom] before. He even directly spoke with the Fairy Queen. It’s precisely because of this that Hiiro held considerable interest in the existence known as Spirits.That is why he was interested in the small existence of the . Furthermore, he felt some sort of affinity with its shape.
“Y-you really are….” (Arnold)
Although Arnold, who was amazed Hiiro’s nonchalant attitude, stared at him with a half-open eyes, Rarashik could only look at him with a blank expression. Then, as her stiff mouth began to relax…
“Nahaha! You’re definitely an interesting person, boya~!” (Rarashik)
…she let loose a boisterous voice as she laughed.
“To think that someone would have no interest in this abnormal situation! Better yet, that person is the same as us, a Gabranth! Nahahahaha” (Rarashik)
‘No, he’s not a Gabranth though…’ is what Arnold almost said without thinking. However, he managed to somehow stop himself.
Rarashik was laughing so hard that there were tears coming from her eyes. She rubbed her eyes lightly before she raised both hands towards the on top of her head, holding it between them.
“Alright, I’ll tell you. This child is my , Yuki-chan.” (Rarashik)
‘So it’s not food?’ is what Hiiro thought but didn’t say it out loud. In this world, it did look like snow was present. However, there was no way of telling whether their way of playing with snow was the same as Japan.