The Regional Offices oversee, plan, coordinate and support IOM activities within the region. Regional Offices are responsible for project review and endorsement and provide technical support to Country Offices, particularly in the area of project development. A brief description of the nine Regional Offices is outlined below.
Bangkok, Thailand. Provides support to IOM offices in Asia and the Pacific; plans and coordinates IOM activities and maintains liaison and partnerships with governments, development partners and civil society within the region; provides technical support to governments to develop national migration frameworks and strengthen migration management systems. The Office works closely with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and other regional multilateral bodies such as the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, the Asian Development Bank and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations; and provides programme support for regional initiatives, including the Colombo Process, the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime, the Asia-Pacific Consultations on Refugees, Displaced Persons and Migrants, and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.