Entrances to public buildings
In respect of public buildings a Part M condition
is that ramps should have top and bottom
landings whose lengths are not less than 1.2 m.
Another, affected by the kerb requirement, is
that although their surface widths have to be
at least 1.2 m, unobstructed widths can be not
less than 1.0 m. Diagrams 6.10a–d, showing
entrances to buildings where the approach to
a platform in front of a single-leaf entrance
door is by way of a ramp, are considered with
regard to these conditions.
Diagram 6.10a shows a straight approach to
the entrance door; it indicates that for a
pushed wheelchair user a platform length of
1500 mm is more satisfactory than 1200 mm.
Diagram 6.10b indicates that where the wheelchair
has to be turned to pass through the door
a 1200 mm unobstructed ramp width is tight,
suggesting that a 1000 mm width would make
the manoeuvre extremely difficult. Diagram
6.10c with an out-opening door shows that the
turn would be more easily accomplished with
a platform width of 1500 mm. Diagram 6.10d
indicates the space needed where the door is
hinged on the side nearer the ramp.
Entrances to Part M housing
For new housing that is subject to the Part M
building regulation, the dimensions that come
with corresponding design considerations are
less than those for public buildings. The
unobstructed width of ramps has to be not less
than 900 mm, and the width of platforms at the
top of ramps has also to be not less than
900 mm.
Diagrams 6.11a–c are drawn in accord with
Part M’s minimum design standards. Where
the ramp approach is frontal, 6.11a shows the
platform in front of the door having a length
of 1200 mm, indicating that a 900 900 mm