It is a herbaceous, perennial plant. It is low growing, with heads of whitish flowers, often with a tinge of pink or cream that may come on with the aging of the plant. The heads are generally 1.5–2 centimetres (0.6–0.8 in) wide, and are at the end of 7-cm (2.8-in) pedunclesor flower stalks.[14] The flowers are mostly visited by bumblebees.[15] The leaves, aretrifoliolate, smooth, elliptic to egg-shaped andlong-petioled and usually with light or dark markings. The stems function as stolons, so white clover often forms mats, with the stems creeping as much as 18 cm (7.1 in) a year, and rooting at the nodes.[14] The leaves form the symbol known as shamrock.