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Overall Satisfaction
Very Dissatisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Were the test questions you missed fair?
Very unfair
Somewhat unfair
Somewhat fair
Very fair
Apart from test questions, how difficult was it to complete this task?
Somewhat challenging
Somewhat easy
Very easy
How clear were the task instructions and interface?
Very unclear
Somewhat unclear
Somewhat clear
Very clear
How would you rate the pay for this task relative to other tasks you've completed?
Much worse
Somewhat worse
Somewhat better
Much better
If you'd like to provide any more specific feedback about this task, please visit Support and post with your Job ID.Before you go!
Please help us improve by completing this optional survey.
Overall Satisfaction
Very Dissatisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Were the test questions you missed fair?
Very unfair
Somewhat unfair
Somewhat fair
Very fair
Apart from test questions, how difficult was it to complete this task?
Somewhat challenging
Somewhat easy
Very easy
How clear were the task instructions and interface?
Very unclear
Somewhat unclear
Somewhat clear
Very clear
How would you rate the pay for this task relative to other tasks you've completed?
Much worse
Somewhat worse
Somewhat better
Much better
If you'd like to provide any more specific feedback about this task, please visit Support and post with your Job ID.y prefixes or suffices. For example if the authors name is Dr. Bob, please record Bob as the author's name. Be sure to match the exact name of the author as it appears in the article. If the author name is shown in the article as "Doe, John" please enter the name exactly as it appears, "DOE, JOHN". Note that I did not switch the name to first name then family name and I kept the comma since that is how the author name appears in the article. "JOHN DOE" or "DOE JOHN" would both be incorrect answers in this case. The author name will be converted to all uppercase when you exit the box.