C.Be Friend with Famous People
Every connection in Myspace was called, "friend", even
they were a famous band (Rossi, 2010). This might be a
symbol of American belief that everyone is equal. The
friendship in Myspace was 2-way friendship, unlike Twitter
which divided the connections to be following and followers.
This was strength of Myspace. The artists could simply
impress their fans, and their fans could talk to other people
that they were friends with famous people.
After music fans attended a live show, they always posted
their photos with their favorite artists in Myspace even on
profile page, comment or in photo gallery (Salimkhan,
Manago& Greenfield, 2010). Levine & Madsen (2011) also
found that their participants did not only add their real-world
friends as the friends in Myspace, they also added interesting
people, too.
Discussion of “Be Friend with Famous People”:
This “everyone is friend” rule of Myspace created more
positive outcome than the negative outcome. The artists could
communicate with their fans, and their relationship was called,
"friends". The negative outcome was only that the fans of
those artists who did not have Myspace account might feel
like underdog. Many cases of this problem had been solved by
the fans who created fan pages. If the artists did not have a
Myspace account, their fans could not have them as the Top
Friends, but their fans could still bring the fan pages to be on
Top Friends instead. To create fan pages is the solution for
this kind of case in other social network, too