Date ISDS Prepared/Updated: 04/02/2009
A. Basic Project Data
Country: Thailand
Project Name: TSM Bio Energy Wastewater Management and Methane Capture for
Electricity Pro' ect
i Task Team Leader: litendra 1. Shah
Estimated Appraisal Date: April 2009 Estimated Board Date: Not applicable
Managing Unit: EASRE Lending Instrument: Carbon Offset
Sector: Agro-industry (60%); environment (40%)
Theme: Climate change
IBRD Amount (US$m.): 0.00
IDA Amount (US$m.): 0.00
GEF Amount (US$m.): 0.00
CF Amount (US$m.): 15.00 (approx)
Other financing amounts by source:
65.00 ("PPlVA)
B. Project Objectives
The project development objective is to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
through the capture of methane from an improved wastewater management system of an ethanol
plant and the displacement of fossil fuel from the national electricity grid with the captured
C. Project Description
The project will involve the upgrading of an existing wastewater treatment system of an ethanol
plant, the Thai Sugar Ethanol (T8E), which produces 100 m3 of fuel grade ethanol per day using
molasses as a feedstock. The TSE generates approximately 1,100 m3
/day of spent wash of which
about 600 m
3 enters into anaerobic open lagoon system, the baseline method of treating
wastewater, on a daily basis after evaporation to reduce the volume of wastewater.