Blood, feces, and hair samples of spider monkeys from seven different putative species spanning the genus’ geographic distribution were collected in the field or obtained through donation and collaboration (Table 2, Fig. 2). Fecal samples (roughly 4 ml of fresh scat) were collected directly into sterile 8 ml Sarstedt screw top tubes pre-filled with 4 ml of the nucleic acid preservation buffer RNALater (Ambion). Each tube was labeled with: (1) the collector’s initials; (2) the collection locality name and GPS coordinates; (3) the putative species designation; and (4) the date of collection. Blood samples were collected either directly onto sterile Whatman filter paper or into vacutainer tubes containing EDTA by veterinarians during routine exams of captive or captured animals. For filter paper samples, we collected two exemplars per specimen ( 5 drops of blood), which were then dried and stored in sealed plastic bags. Each bag was labeled the same way as the fecal samples. Hair samples were collected using forceps, and 10–15 hairs with follicles were collected per animal, stored in sealed plastic bags, and labeled as previously described. All samples collected by the authors in the field and by collaborators who donated fieldcollected samples complied with US and habitat country regulations regarding collection, transport, exportation, and importation.