The above bubble diagram is intended to show the spatial relationships, functional
relationships, and adjacencies of a RAPCON. Arrows indicate circulation required
from room to room, or directly to the exterior. Specific program and adjacency
requirements will be given to the A-E at the charrette or pre-design meeting.
Also reference the notional floor plan at Part 4 of this Chapter. Operations/Instrument Flight Rules (Ops/IFR) Room. This is the primary
functional area of a RAPCON. This space should be located within the facility and
never exit directly to the outside. All radar-controlled approaches are handled from
this room. Along with radarscopes, there is a station for a Watch Supervisor who
oversees all scope activity. The Ops/IFR room requires a considerable amount of
circulation space. In an analog system, there are airport surveillance radar (ASR)
scopes and precision approach radar (PAR) scopes. In the new digital system
there is a Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS) with
Digital Airport Surveillance Radar (DASR). Area Surveillance is the primary
function of radar approach control. The analog system requires almost total
darkness to allow controllers to view the scopes. The new digital system
allows normal office lighting as it is computer based. The A-E needs to be
cognizant of the specific equipment systems being installed in order to design
a quality facility.