Carbon positive technology (Fossil fuel)
Causes a buildup of atmospheric carbon
– Using fossil fuel such as coal, crude oil and natural gas that have been
sequestered in the earth for millions of years and emitting the carbon into
the atmosphere
• Carbon Neutral Technology (Bio-energy)
The level of atmospheric carbon does not change such as
– Wind power, solar, geothermal, tidal, etc... are all "carbon neutral" - they
neither add CO2 to the atmosphere, nor take CO2 out of it - they are
neither add CO2 to the atmosphere, nor take CO2 out of it - they are
merely "neutral"
– Using bioenergy to replace fossil fuel bringing their net emissions
of the greenhouse gas to zero.
• Carbon Negative Technology (Biochar)
Causes a reduction in atmospheric carbon
– biochar is created from heating biomass and sequestering the
5 . biochar (carbon) in agricultural soils.