Honestly, for years i''ve been experimenting woth just one video of your own, the 6 hours long video for sleeping, and it's been the most helpful sleep binaural beats video i EVER found. I entered your channel just to help myself sleeping, so i've never really thought about discovering something more. Some days ago, i've noticed this video, and it attracted me the way the other one did: i hope it will help me releasing the blocks in the want to work and i've also subscribed to your channel. I love working, all in all, but years of depression and insomnia made me lazy (it's no excuse and no attention whoring but the truth). If it's gonna be effective like the other one, i'll be able to say that i found another jewel. Within minutes, i'm getting to work and i'll play this: wish me well! And thank you
4 months ago•1
+Slavenc Mbyl Thank you very much Slavenc! if I'll be in need, I'll do
4 months ago•
Slavenc Mbyl
+assurdo888 I wish you well mate and thanks for your support over the years!!! Perhaps, you should really roam around my channel, since I created some tracks myself that are more specific. You can also ask me to do something for you, if you have a special request that is. I'd be glad to help! Good luck mate!!
4 months ago•1
Lindsay R
cant hear it :(
4 months ago•
Shawn Currin
Man. This shit is shocking me really bad.
6 months ago•
Elemet Q
wow this mazing it's effect after 1sec i put my headphone
2 months ago (edited)•
Tacos Buenos
what happens if you listen to all these herzes at the same time?
1 year ago•
+Leon B I third that...
6 months ago•
Leon B
I second that...
9 mon