Measurement of the constructs
Ethical food choice motiveswere measured
with a scale developed by Lindeman and
Va¨a¨na¨nen (2000). The scale consists of 11
items that make up three dimensions: ecological, political and religious food choice motives.
The ecological motives scale consists of five
items: ‘Has been produced in a way that has
not caused animals to experience pain’, ‘Has
been produced in a way that respects animals’
rights’, ‘Has been prepared in an environmentally friendly way’, ‘Has been produced in a
way that has not disturbed the balance of
nature’ and ‘Is packaged in an environmentally
friendly way’. Political motives were measured
with four items: ‘Comes from a country I
approve of politically’, ‘Comes from a country
in which human rights are not violated’, ‘Has
the country of origin clearly marked’ and ‘Has
been prepared in a way that does not conflict
with my political values’. Religious motives
were measured with two items: ‘Is not
forbidden in my religion’ and ‘Is in harmony
with my religious views’. All items were
measured with a 7-point semantic differential
scale, labelled from 1 (totally unimportant) to 7
(extremely important).
Measurement of the constructsEthical food choice motiveswere measuredwith a scale developed by Lindeman andVa¨a¨na¨nen (2000). The scale consists of 11items that make up three dimensions: ecological, political and religious food choice motives.The ecological motives scale consists of fiveitems: ‘Has been produced in a way that hasnot caused animals to experience pain’, ‘Hasbeen produced in a way that respects animals’rights’, ‘Has been prepared in an environmentally friendly way’, ‘Has been produced in away that has not disturbed the balance ofnature’ and ‘Is packaged in an environmentallyfriendly way’. Political motives were measuredwith four items: ‘Comes from a country Iapprove of politically’, ‘Comes from a countryin which human rights are not violated’, ‘Hasthe country of origin clearly marked’ and ‘Hasbeen prepared in a way that does not conflictwith my political values’. Religious motiveswere measured with two items: ‘Is notforbidden in my religion’ and ‘Is in harmonywith my religious views’. All items weremeasured with a 7-point semantic differentialscale, labelled from 1 (totally unimportant) to 7(extremely important).
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