found that neighborhood deprivation was weakly, but
significantly associated with deteriorated mental health
(12–14). However, we hypothesized that the absence of important
neighborhood variations in mental health as a general
category may conceal situations of strong context
dependence for specific mental health outcomes. Therefore,
we investigated spatial variations in mental and behavioral
disorders due to psychoactive substance use, which, it was
assumed, were particularly dependent on the social context.
After describing the spatial distribution of these mental
disorders, our objective was to examine whether they were
independently associated with the socioeconomic status of
the context. Beyond spatial filtering of mentally ill individuals
to places considered deprived (15), this relation may
result from a direct influence of neighborhood deprivation
on mental health (14). Describing spatial variations and
investigating whether contextual poverty is a marker for
places of high prevalence aid in determining whether the
intensity of intervention programs for mental health should
vary over space.