The aim of the study was to explore the effects of cooperative learning on General Science achievement among 9th
class students. Based upon previous research literature it was hypothesized that significant difference existed
between the mean posttest scores of General Science achievement of experimental group and control group. The
pretest posttest control group design was chosen for the experiment. The study sample consisted of 36 students of 9th
class who were equally distributed among experimental group and control group, matched on the basic of their
annual examination at general science scores. The dependent variable of General Science achievement was
measured through self-constructed 30-item achievement test used as a pretest as well as a posttest. The experiment
group was taught through cooperative learning while control group was taught through traditional teaching. The
material was used such as lesson plans, worksheets and quizzes, designed to implement cooperative learning
methodology. The data were analyzed through mean, standard deviation and t-test and .05 was the selected level of
significance. The main result of the study was that cooperative learning method is superior to traditional method in
general science achievement of 9th grade students.