raceme pair – pairs of racemes supported by spatheoles in the compound
panicles of some Andropogoneae
rachilla – the central axis of the spikelet which bears the florets
rachilla extension – a prolongation of the rachilla beyond the uppermost
(or single) floret
rachis – the axis of a raceme
secondary spathe – spathe supporting a second tier of branching within
the compound panicle of some Andropogoneae
semelauctant (bamboos) – inflorescence with glumes not subtending
viable buds or branches
sinus – the space between two projecting lobes or teeth
spathate – with spathes
spathe – a bract or modified bladeless leaf subtending the inflorescence
or part of it
spatheole – the uppermost spathe supporting the racemes within the
compound inflorescence of some Andropogoneae
spikelet – the basic unit of a grass inflorescence; usually composed of
two glumes and one or more florets on a rachilla
spikelet pair – the arrangement of one sessile and one pedicelled spikelet
arising from the same node characteristic of the Andropogoneae
tiller – a leafy non-flowering shoot
triad – a group of three spikelets borne together
unicaespitose (bamboos) – culms all arising in a single clump from
pachymorph rhizomes