climb up the tower to hide yourself away as a man trapped in a jungle must hold his breath fate will decree both good and bad pity on you as the bad will prevail
this is parable that advises you against dangerous move. stay firm as the final chance will come to your rescue
like a drunken man who has lost his legs don't move but stand where you are wait with patience till time will favour you for all will turn out well troubles gone
prayer will lead your family to safety you have no worry for yourself in pursuing wealth you promising arrangement for marriage will not be finalesed the visitor you are expecting will arrive in due course as to the missing man you will not find and clue pregnancy is unlikely unless you pray for god's blessing farming and silkworm will only yield a half crop but trading in cattle will be profitable lawsuits will not go in your favour move of the house or migration is recommended there is no hope of regaining things which have been lost the sick will recover as a result of god's blessing ancestral graves will be safe