After reading this I thought to before now . Very different in men and women. May be due to inequality. Or whatever . In a country like our own , such as the country's first female president . There are many arguments occur. That women do not deserve to lead men in Congress because of the prejudice that if all women had the opportunity to try out the various matters. Men think that women do not , but sometimes women may do better than men. May be several . As everyone knows , but now it has developed a lot better . Because social acceptance. In what may be because women have achieved many of the things that women do , so I use the word bias against women and gender equality , two day , whether a male or female. Often seen . Time to have a bad one . All men think that women have always However, many people who saw it was a man . Do not take everything settled . Just because it is a day off so that a female elephant foot to it !