This table reports in Panel A the mean, median, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value for firm and offer characteristics as well as ownership details for our sample firms. The table is based on a sample of initial public offerings (IPOs) on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (SSE) in Sweden over the sample period 1996-2011 and the sample comprises 105 IPOs. We report summary statistics for the variables: market capitalization (outstanding shares multiplied with the offer); relative marker capitalization (outstanding shares multiplied with the offer price divided by median market capitalization , as at the end of the year prior to the offering tear, for all firms listed on the SSE); offer size (total number of shares offered multiplied by the offer price); fraction sold (number of shares sold divided by number of outstanding shares); offer price; stock turnover (total number of shares traded during the first trading day divided by total outstanding shares) and the initial return (the difference of the closing price holdings minus the offer price divided by the offer price the first trading day). We report two measures of ownership characteristics, equity holdings (defined as number of shares held divided by outstanding shares) and breadth of ownership (defined as number of investors holding the stock divided by total number of number of investors holding the stock for each investor category, respectively). In Panel B we report the distribution by year and fraction sold.
The last column reports the total number of IPOs for all ranges for each year. The last row reports, across all years, total number of IPOs in each range and also the grand total. As reported, the number of IPOs is concentrated to the years 1997- 2000, representing nearly 61% of all IPOs. Approximately 55% of all IPOs have a flotation in the 20-40% range of stocks sold.