The goal of M&S supply chain is to maximise company's profits. Profits of supply chain are the difference between revenue generated from sales and total coast incurred in all stages of supply chain. Product specifications and origin impact largely on supply chain design and planning. Supply chain decisions at M&S are influenced by strategic, tactical and operational objectives of company.
Marks & Spencer is trying to achieve strategic fit by having right balance between responsiveness and efficiency. But in real market competition this balance is affected by logistical and cross functional drivers. The supply chain strategy practice for French wine and the essential colour lipstick increases responsiveness of M&S overall operations functions. While practice of efficient supply chain for the leather bag collection and abbey love seat keep balance on inventory levels reducing load on M&S operations functions. Use of faster transportation for products such as wine, leather bag items makes supply chain responsive. While transportation modes of Sourcing decision made by M&S for products such as wine, lipstick, leather bag and furniture makes right balance of choosing suppliers providing customers good quality products.
Impact of origin on supply chain has resulted positive for M&S. Under Project 2020 M&S aim to build a simpler supply chain that will improve customer availability and create a more efficient platform for growth (Annual report, 2010).