was having a think the other day about how some of the jobs that young people will do in the future haven’t even been invented yet. It’s a crazy thought, but it really is the case and in order to get the most from them, we need our next generation of workers to be creative, and to essentially shape future society.
Is it that simple though? Is creativity something that can be taught, or is it something that you either have or you don’t? With a national curriculum, standardized testing and schools measured against a certain criteria; have students got the freedom to be as creative as they would like?
I guess creativity is a subjective thing; every individual’s idea of being creative is different, which in itself sums up the very concept! For some it is inventing new things, new ways of thinking and doing things. While for others, it is about uncovering new forms of knowledge or using existing knowledge in new contexts. Whichever approach they take, all of these require children to have space, and time to think and to experiment.