Results of Ultisol showed that available-P is low, only 100 mg g-1, but the potential-P reached 33,37 mg 100 g-1 with moderate criteria. Low available P content reflect that many of phosphate are being disfixate by soil colloids. So that PSM is needed in providing useful P in order to support the growth and development of plants. Ultisol has a pH of 5.8 (slightly acid). Condition of soil pH is an important factor that determines the solubility of element. solubility of hidrous oxides of Fe and Al are directly dependent on the concentration of the hydroxyl (OH-) and pH, in addition, pH also controls the solubility of carbonates and silicates, affect redox reactions, micoorganisms activity, and determine the chemical forms of phosphates and carbonates in the soil solution. The content of C-Organic in Ultisol of Jatinangor is very low (0.30%). This indicates that these lands need the addition of organic matter, Clay dominate the texture of Ultisol Jatinangor up to 53%, while the content of dust is 7 % and sand is 40%. It can be inferred that the texture of Ultisol Jatinangor is clay dust because the clay fraction is more dominate