2.2. Chemical analysis
Thermo-chemical behavior of air dried biomass such as moisture,
ash, volatile and fixed carbon were determined by standard
procedures. Elemental analysis of air dried biomass samples was
carried out using CHN-O Elemental Analyzer (Make: M/S
Elementar Germany, Vario EL III). The homogenized powder sample
(approx. 1 mg dry basis) was weighed on tin foil boat, formed
into a pellet and placed sample carousel and subjected to complete
combustion in a pure oxygen environment. Elemental composition
of each biomass species are determined using thermal conductivity
detector. In general, oxygen analysis can be done by combusting
samples at 1000 C and the oxygen content of the emitted gases
were screened using infrared detector. In the present study oxygen
content has been determined by the following formula:
C þ H þ N þ S þ Residues þ O ¼ 100:00