Holotype: Complete right tarsometatarsus (MMF 41628; collected 11 April 1984; see Fig. 3C).
Type locality: Ponta de São Lourenço (Madeira Island).
Horizon: Late Quaternary.
Status: Extinct.
Etymology: The new fossil owl species is named after Dr. honoris causa (1995) Günther Edmund Maul (7
May 1909 Frankfurt/M.– 28 Sept 1997 Funchal), who came to Madeira in October 1930. He worked first as a taxidermist
in the Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural) and was later (1940–1981) its director. He was the
leading expert on the Madeiran fauna in general, and especially on marine fishes. The majority of his publications
(beginning in 1945) were listed by Wilhelm (2009). Wilhelm (2002 a, b) and Biscoito (1997) have provided obituaries.