The proposed Employee Branding Instrument is based on following features: can be used for formulating
internal brand of the company; helps preparing and mapping the process using organizational structure;
enhance group to team evolution by sharing and supporting the same brand; provides the company with a
snapshoot on efficiency, employee satisfaction and position in relation to the objectives and strategies of the
company; and finally offers sound criteria for brand evaluation.
Because this is a proposed model in the testing phase we acknowledge its limitation and for a better
assessment of the internal brand we will choose, in the next stage of our research, a sample close to the number
of company employees. Also we will pursue the idea of various levels of brand analysis: individual level,
group/team, department and organization as a hole. Overlapping these levels we can increase the accuracy of
the brand evaluation and maybe reveal interesting juxtapositions based on variables stability or fluctuations in
the Employee branding model.
The usefulness of this instrument depends only on the pragmatic creativity of the user. For example, another
future research direction is the way this model of employee branding relates with the emotional intelligence
concept as developed by Goleman 2004. We can envision components of emotional intelligence manifested in
employee branding, and elevated to an organizational level.