My choice to become a teacher was not made lightly. This decision was a culmination of a process of reflection about what I wanted to do with my life. I have chosen a career in education because I believe that it is one of the most important functions performed in our culture. I believe that teachers individually and collectively have the ability to not only change the world, but to improve it. Within the process of teaching, I hope to find both personal and professional renewal. I want to be a part of a noble profession with the hope of one day being counted among those in whom future teachers find inspiration.
Many of the great teachers that I have had throughout my education have become my heroes and role models. I began to understand in high school and college that great teachers have skills that I wanted to learn. I want to follow their examples. I remember that great teachers were good at explaining content, were patient yet firm with students, were always fair, set high expectations, knew how to motivate, and used humor appropriately. They were great communicators who had a command of their subject matter content. This is the type of teacher that I intend to become. However, I understand that my personal teaching style will evolve as I draw on my own strengths, knowledge, skills, values, and experiences.
I want children to learn in a safe and comfortable environment so that their self-esteem will be increased. A high self-esteem will enable them to strive for and accomplish any goals they set for themselves. As a teacher, I will play a part in helping them to do that. I will have the privilege of shaping future parents and productive members of society. For all of these reasons, I ask myself, what better job could there be. My answer is none because teaching is more than a job. It is an important contribution I can make to better our society, and I am excited about